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Cancellation & Return Policy
Order Cancellation
How to cancel an order that hasn't been paid
If your payment of an order has not been made yet, you may cancel it by clicking "Cancel order" in your account at
If your order has not been paid in 40 days, it will be canceled automatically.
How to cancel an order that has been paid
We understand that ordering an item for your special occasion is an important undertaking, and our cancellation policy was created with this in mind. However, it is important to note that our dresses are made to order. Once the tailoring process has begun, the materials cannot be reused.
The good news is that after placing your order, there is still time to change your mind. Please refer to our cancellation policy below for details.
Our Cancellation Policy:
- Orders canceled within 24 hours of payment confirmation will be eligible for a full refund.
- Orders canceled 1-3 days after payment confirmation will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost and 50% of the product purchase price.
- Orders canceled after 3 days of payment confirmation will be eligible for a partial refund consisting of the full shipping cost.
- Once your order has been shipped, it can no longer be canceled.
If you have other questions, please contact [email protected].
Return Policy
Returning For Replacement or Refund
Your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us. Upon the arrival of your package, we encourage you to check and make sure that the dress has been made to your order specifications. Try on your dress as soon as possible without removing the tags, altering, or washing the dress. If you are returning or exchanging dresses or accessories, please make sure they are in their original condition - unworn, unwashed, unaltered, undamaged, clean, free of lint and hair and with tags intact and attached.
Defective, Damaged or Miss-shipped Items
You are eligible for a refund of the full purchase price plus shipping costs for defective, damaged or miss-shipped items. If you believe your items were damaged during delivery, you must first obtain "Proof of Damage" documentation from your delivery carrier.
Sizing or Fitting Issues
As all of our dresses are hand-sewn and custom tailored, the finished gown may vary by approximately one (1) inch in either direction of the specified measurements. To ensure that your dress will still fit you perfectly, our tailors have created all our dresses with additional fabric in the seams to allow minor size modifications to be made easily.
The dress is not the size you ordered
Should your dress size differ from the specifications of your order by more than one inch, we encourage you to find a local tailor to make adjustments, and we will gladly reimburse you for up to 100% of the product price in tailoring costs. If you choose this option, please remember to request a receipt from your tailor as a copy of it must be provided when requesting reimbursement.
The dress is the size you ordered but does not fit
Dresses that do not fit properly but fit the specifications you ordered cannot be returned or exchanged. As our dresses are made with additional fabric in the seams, you can make minor adjustments at a local tailor, at your own cost. Please note: if your order specifications differ too greatly from the final sizing request, resizing may not be possible.
If the dress is fine but you just don't like it anymore:
If you get the original dress in good condition(correct style, size, and color) but for some reason, you don't want it anymore and want to return it back. We accept returning for that(dress being worn, washed or damaged won't count), but you have to undertake all the postage and we just refund partial payment of the dress to you.Hope you can understand and think it over before ordering.
Color Mismatch
The settings of your computer screen may alter the color of the pictures shown on Slight color mismatches between the color of your dress and the color shown on screen may not mean that the dress is defective or miss-shipped. However, if you are confident that you have received the item in a wrong color, please contact Customer Service to see if a return or refund is possible.
We don't accept returns for the following cases:
1)Custom-made items
2)Items that have been changed or damaged like altered, dyed, etc
Please contact us first when there is any problem with the items you received. Customers must confirm their eligibility for an exchange or return with Customer Service before sending items back. When you return them back, please make sure the items are in their original condition - unworn, unwashed, unaltered, undamaged, clean, free of lint and hair and with tags intact and attached.
Return Process
1) Contact our customer service within 3 days of your order's delivery date. Include an explanation and photographs documenting the reason for the return. Returns will not be accepted without prior approval from Customer Service.
When you receive an email from entitled "Shipment Notification for order#XXXXXXX with," your order has been shipped.
2)Once Customer Service has approved your request, please send the item and the completed Product Return Form back to us as soon as possible.
3) Once received at our facility, your return will be processed in 3 to 5 business days. Once your return is confirmed and inspected, please allow up to two billing cycles for it to be credited to your account. Items returned in unacceptable condition we will not be processed as refunds and will be shipped back to you.